This is the first of the blog articles written by the trustees of Maindee Unlimited - the charity behind the Finding Maindee project and the library. Chair of trustees Dave Moses [pictured 4th from right below] starts of making the confession that he is a blog virgin. 

Introducing our Trustees: Dave Moses

MU Trustees

Here are Dave's words:

"I have not read, let alone written a blog, never mind here goes.

I was asked why I got involved with Maindee Unlimited, it seems like an simple question but it is not that easy to answer.

Maindee as a kid was some where I walked through with my Dad, from the bus station to Somerton Park to watch the County (we lived in Machen).  I really got to know the place when on a very cold and dark February in1976 I was posted to Maindee Police Station, next to the Library.  Over the next couple of years I got to know the place, street by street and the people, in good times and often in difficult times.  There is something abo

Settling down in Maindee

"My wife and I bought a house in Maindee in 1978 and brought up two children here.  We walked down to Maindee Square to do our shopping, went to the library and joined the congregation in St John’s Church.  I played rugby at the Gleeblands (might not quite be Maindee) for St Julian’s High School Old Boys [HSOB] RFC. We were part of some of the communities that make up the larger community of Maindee.

To get involved with an organisation such as Maindee Unlimited you need that event, almost an accident, which allows you the opportunity to get involved with others.  My opportunity came when trying to raise funds to convert St Michael’s Church into a community centre.  I needed other local people and groups to help, although the work on St Michael’s failed, it meant I met with people who wanted to see Maindee improve, who had vision and dreams of what it could be.

They wanted Maindee to be a better place to live with stronger communities, a better place to visit with a more vibrant shopping and businesses and an appearance so that you knew you were in Maindee."

People making a difference in Maindee

"There is only one group of people that can change an area, they are not Councils or Governments, it’s the people that live there.  This grassroots up approach seemed challenging but exciting, so that is why I became involved.

I have seen Maindee slowly become a bit tired around the edges, from how it was when I first came here.  I want to be involved in trying not just to get it back as it was, but hopefully better."

Thanks for this Dave. And we also hope to get a photo on here of you as a policeman in Maindee Station!

ut your first station that gets under your skin and becomes close to your heart."