Sounds of Maindee - New Project

New Paths is pleased to say that Robert Smith (sound recordist and photographer) is embarking on a new project called ‘Sounds of Maindee’. The project will be looking at ways to archive existing work and how to make it available to the community.

Looking forward at Maindee Library

On Saturday 4 February 2017 a wide group of the library volunteers, trustees of Maindee Unlimited and staff got together to discuss the past, present and future of Maindee Library as a community-run space.

Understanding heating (and cooling) a little better

At this time of the year [i.e. winter] we know that the library takes about 2 hours to heat up in the morning. One of our volunteers has to come in at about 8am so that the building is ready for the public for opening at 10am. We have realised that this is not a...

Making the arts more inclusive - learning from Sherman 5

On Monday 23 January we met Guy O’Donnell from the Sherman 5 project at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff. What we learned was how the practice of meeting people from the types of neighbourhood where people don’t normally go to the theatre can help to make arts...

Volunteering at Maindee Library - can you help?

Over the 11 months since re-opening Llyfrgell Maindee Library+ has so far seen 50 people giving up their free time to help continue the library service and a further 27 people have shown interest.

Who pays the bills?

John Hallam, Maindee Unlimited's Programme Manager, explains in this blog where the charity gets money from to pay its bills:

Get the Book Bug in Maindee this Summer

Visit the library five times during the summer holidays and you could win a Book Bug certificate and medal!

Learning to blog on

Library volunteers, staff and trustees learn how to manage this website

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