Library Refresh about to get real!

This week we will receive quotations from contractors to carry out the first phase of works to the building. With a written proposal we will then be in a situation to enter a contract for the work; gone will be the big questions about how long the work will take and how...

Tricia Takes Over!

From November 2017 Tricia Rogers will be in charge of the rota which organises the library volunteers. She will follow Kim Lambert who has given her time to do the work for the past two years.

Evaluation of Finding Maindee

This blog article explains the conversation we had and gives an approach to project evaluation. 

Getting views first changes to Maindee Library

To accompany our latest film [see below] about the library makeover this blog gives a bit more detail about the options that we have for the small spaces within the library.

First Phase of Library Makeover

Maggie and Kim have gathered your questionnaires about the library over July and August and group of library volunteers also had the chance to be architects. 

Becoming an Architect!

On the evening of Tuesday 1st August a group of 12 people involved in Maindee Library were given the chance to be architects.

Maindee Library Refresh 2017-2018

On Thursday 27th July we will host the first of the sessions where Maggie and Kim [pictured left and right below] meet the community who use the library.

Maindee library is having a make over. Maggie and Kim need your input.

Maindee library is having a makeover. We would really like to know your views in order to help this process.



How Maindee's Community will shape Art & Architecture in the Library

We are starting to plan how the Maindee community will shape the artistic and architectural changes which support the refurbishment and re-alignment of the library building.

Celebrating the Healing Words Project in Maindee

On Tuesday 13th June we had a powerful and enjoyable evening which concluded the Gwent Arts in Health creative writing sessions held at Llyfrgell Maindee Library during May 2017: the Healing Words project.

May New Paths - Focus on the Library

This gathering was a chance to explore what is possible with the fabric of Maindee Library. We had the first opportunity to meet architects Sarah and George [who will be working with us until March 2018] and get some perspectives how the library space could be re-designed....

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