Looking forward at Maindee Library

On Saturday 4 February 2017 a wide group of the library volunteers, trustees of Maindee Unlimited and staff got together to discuss the past, present and future of Maindee Library as a community-run space.

Synergies and Opportunities for Opera in Maindee

We reported in December last year that the energy of Operasonic is coming to Maindee. The plan of Creative Director Rhian Hutchings is to source an opera from the stories and people of Maindee and which will be performed at the Riverfront on Sunday 1st...

Making the arts more inclusive - learning from Sherman 5

On Monday 23 January we met Guy O’Donnell from the Sherman 5 project at the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff. What we learned was how the practice of meeting people from the types of neighbourhood where people don’t normally go to the theatre can help to make arts...

New Paths Gathering (Part 2)

In this second part of sharing the discussion from the New Paths gathering we reflect on Dilip Sinha's work on the Maindee Photographic Survey and remind ourselves of the work that Steph Roberts completed last year on Mosaic Maindee.

Successful First New Paths Gathering (Part 1)

We have recently decided to develop the format of New Paths by holding the first monthly gathering. On Wednesday 11 January we invited a group along to the library so they could meet other people doing projects and also get the chance to find collaborations.

Using art to 'spread love, break hate' in Newport

Many people have started to see the art work of RISE Propaganda on the streets of Newport. For example this sign [below] is on the fence outside the building that used to be known as TJ's on Clarence Place...

Photography and Activism I

Happy new year to all! The 'New Paths' programme is opening the year with an interesting workshop suited to the inquisitive photographer of the family. This workshop is aimed at supporting ones own activism. Lead by Independent Journalist and Documentary Photographer Vedat...

Art and place making in Stokes Croft, Bristol: be brave and think long term

On Friday 16th December representatives from Maindee Unlimited and some local artists took up an invitation from Ruth Essex to visit Stoke’s Croft and the Bear Pit in Bristol. What we found was a real life story of the journey taken by both the local authority and...

Start of a New Arts Network for Newport?

On Tuesday 15 th November a group of people were invited to the Riverfront to discuss collaboration amongst artists and art groups in Newport. The work has been supported by the Arts Council of Wales’ Sharing Together Fund with the aim of developing connections.

Open now - exhibition of Maindee Festival Posters

Last night the exhibition of Maindee Festival posters opened at the Riverfront. The evening was a valuable and very enjoyable chance for many of the people involved in the story of the festival to come together and celebrate.

Do libraries matter in the digital age?

In April 2015 volunteers in the Handpost area of Newport re-opened the former Stow Hill Library as " Cwtsh ". In October last year  Maindee Library was re-opened by another group of volunteers. There are now many examples across the UK of successful local community...

Day 2 - People occupying the space [and starting to like it]

Today focused on print-making and was led by Cardiff-based artist Bill Chambers  working alongside Marega [of Mr and Mrs Clark]. Reflecting on the day Bill said that he enjoyed meeting different people and was pleased they seemed to enjoy it. From his angle the...

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