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About the Area:
This walkway was planted with fruit trees in 2019. Since then , other fruit trees (apples, pears, plums and cherry) have been added every year since then to create an orchard and nut tree area rich in biodiversity and a source of nectar for Mainbee and friends (wasps, butterflies and moths). These trees are home to a variety of other insects and their predators such as aphids and ladybirds. Birds love eating the fruit. The prettiest time of year is when the blossom flowers in Spring. There are also some important wild flowers (some refer to them as weeds!) such as dock , yarrow and bramble which are important for a variety of insects including the beautiful green dock beetle who's only home is the dock.
What you can spot here:
Apple Tree


Poplar trees - these fast growing trees have pretty heart shaped leaves and early flowering red flowers. A good source of nectar for Mainbee. They are often used to make plywood and pulp for the manufacturing industry but hopefully this one will stay here to give us much needed shade!
Shield Bugs

Shield bugs (stink bugs) - These sap eating insects have specially designed mouthparts which suck the sap from the stems and leaves of plants here in the garden, This doesn’t damage the plant though. They have started appearing more and more in our country as the climate changes and they spread north from europe.

Soldier beetles are the predators of the garden eating greenflies and other soft bodied insects so gardeners love them. They are found here on our yarrow - which they hang around on so that they can eat the nectar and meet a partner!
Some fun activities to try:
Find three different shaped leaves. Can you identify them?
How many steps is it along the whole walkway. Count your steps. DO you think it is longer than the walkway in front of the school?
Mainbee's Activity Book
We've made an activity pack with Mazes and Colouring In, download it here.
Mainbee's Activity Book